Run from front door to front door - Derby to Wistaston nr nantwich in Cheshire. 51 miles in total, cross country.
The route had been planned and i had run the sections that would take me into the daylight.
11pm - Started out from home
I ran into the night, making my way across the fields that i had ran in the daylight weeks before, running in the dark with a head torch is a great experience.
Keeping your eye on the line across a field to the next stile is hard enough in the daylight.
Footfall is the key to making this as easy as possible, training in the dark helps you to just deal with the terrain.
As the miles passed i was so concious that i needed to keep my energy levels and hydration correct, so kept taking food on board and water.
Looking down at the garmin i noticed that time had passed quite fast with 4hrs gone and just under 20 miles covered.
The light of the moon was creating a shadow on the ploughed field below my feet. my ankles had started to feel the cross country running, constant twisting.
Pushed on long and hard through the night, arrived at a service station to top up on water and had some very strange looks from the attendant. "you've ran from Derby! "
Some strange thinsg had gone through my mind over the last hour, some of which had made me question what i was doing, what is this for? Do i really need this? How much more can i take?
I kept telling myself to let my mind wonder, if i could let my mind wonder i would go through this stage of breaking point, the third one i had reached during the night!
1 hr later and still running through it hips burning i saw the lights of Stoke, Hanley and Burslem. All of which offered an exit point!
That was it the brasking point was reached, i had ran 41.75 miles in 8 hrs 34 min covering 4215 ft of ascent.
I can honestly say that this was the hardest thing i have ever attempted, and yes i will be doing it again and i will achieve it.
"the home coming 2" " unfinshed business"! has been discussed and will take place in the spring!
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